Saturday, April 4, 2015

Lesbian Pulp Cover Art

Can be found: here

Interesting to see how art depicts women and female sexuality


  1. These are super interesting! I love the mixture of violence, seduction, and sexuality here... which makes me wonder exactly who these were made for (assuming they're all real, I guess): lesbians or straight men? Or both? The kind of dangerous, criminal tone seems like it could be pretty campy or like a super exotic, subversive fantasy... I wonder if anyone in the class has seen any of this pulp in person? Like how it reads versus what the cover art depicts? I'd be super interested to know!

  2. These are super interesting! I love the mixture of violence, seduction, and sexuality here... which makes me wonder exactly who these were made for (assuming they're all real, I guess): lesbians or straight men? Or both? The kind of dangerous, criminal tone seems like it could be pretty campy or like a super exotic, subversive fantasy... I wonder if anyone in the class has seen any of this pulp in person? Like how it reads versus what the cover art depicts? I'd be super interested to know!
