This is the blog for History 128, Claremont McKenna College, spring 2015. It is open only to students enrolled in the class. Please use this blog to post articles and links related to the themes of the course. You can also post comments or questions on our readings, reflections on outside events that you attend, and notices of upcoming events of interest to the class. To generate discussion, please also read and comment on other postings. Check back regularly for updates!
I feel like this resonates with a lot of the issues questions we've been working through in class: is it better to accept an imperfect or insufficiently progressive politician, political position, or discourse, or to campaign against it? Might the benefits of having an imperfect supporter of LGBT in office outweigh their problematic politics? Might it be worth leaving our understanding of the historical contingency of gay identity at the door to promote the "Born This Way" argument in some political contexts? Where do you draw the line?
I feel like this resonates with a lot of the issues questions we've been working through in class: is it better to accept an imperfect or insufficiently progressive politician, political position, or discourse, or to campaign against it? Might the benefits of having an imperfect supporter of LGBT in office outweigh their problematic politics? Might it be worth leaving our understanding of the historical contingency of gay identity at the door to promote the "Born This Way" argument in some political contexts? Where do you draw the line?